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The Prison Transparency Project is an international research and advocacy partnership between academics, NGOs, folx with lived experience, advocates, artists, and journalists, working to expose failures of carceral transparency in Argentina, Canada, and Spain. Our goal is to create a knowledge base that will push for greater transparency in carceral systems worldwide, and raise awareness of the crisis of transparency in carceral facilities. Follow us in our efforts to bring change to the world as we know it.

Meet the international collective of researchers leading the project

Icon of two hands holding each other in the shape of a ♡
Icon of two hands open palm in offering

We are a team of researchers, people with lived experience of incarceration, public bodies, NGOs, grassroots organizations, lawyers, journalists, and families and friends of incarcerated people from Argentina, Canada, and Spain. Our aim is to collect and share stories and information, and to study and compare systems of carceral transparency.

We're building 

partnerships and connections with those who share our passion for transparency in carceral systems. The PTP exists to serve our partners and their research needs. There are many ways to get involved, from collaborating to learning to supporting existing activist and advocacy groups. Watch this space for more info, coming soon.

Our goal is to establish new research and advocacy networks between the three participating countries, create the knowledge base needed to push for international standards of transparency, and raise awareness of the crisis of transparency in prisons and migrant detention centres on the global stage.

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© 2023 Prison Transparency Project

Contact us:

+1 (343) 961-9863

​Find us: 

Loeb C571 1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

The Prison Transparency Project is made possible by funding from:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada branding
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